JUNE 14-19 2024 / LAKE ATITLÁN

Immerse in Guatemala through our five-day yoga, meditation, and wellness retreat designed to go within yourself and harmonize your essence with the spirited vibrancy of Guatemalan culture. 

This retreat is for you if you're someone who loves travel but also seeks deeper connections and personal growth. If you're drawn to exploring destinations beyond the tourist attractions, immersing yourself in the culture, and embracing the energy of the land, while also nurturing your love for yoga, spirituality, and personal development, then this journey is yours to embark upon.

Join us as we immerse in the heart of Guatemala and in our own, through this soulful experience of self-discovery.

This retreat will take place in the incredible KAWOQ FOREST
San Marcos la Laguna, Lake Atitlán, Guatemala


5 night stay at Kawoq Forest

- Group transportation from Antigua Guatemala

vegetarian meals a day (vegan and gluten free options available)

- Daily yoga, meditation, and breath work

- Explorative workshops and practices to immerse within yourself

- Special activities: sunrise hike, Arts and Crafts tour to San Juan, Temazcal (sweat lodge), fire and cacao Ceremony, ecstatic dance and Kirtan.

Arrival and departure

- Each participant is responsible for their arrival in Guatemala 

- Group transportation to San Marcos la Laguna is included, departing from Antigua Guatemala at 10 am on June 14. (Meeting point tbd)

- In case you miss the group transportation or would like to arrive separately, we will ALL be meeting at Circle’s Cafe in San Marcos la Laguna at 1 pm on the same day

- Kawoq Forest is on top of a hill and there is a 15-20 minute hike that must be made in order to get there. All baggage and belongings will be carried by the staff (already included), but keep in mind that you will have to walk there.

- The retreat will end on June 19 around noon. Group transportation will head back to Antigua Guatemala por night and next day flights

- We recommend arriving in Guatemala by June 13 and leaving on or after June 19, in order to avoid delays or any other issues related to  international traveling. 
- Accomodation in Antigua Guatemala is not included.


San Marcos La Laguna, a tranquil village perched on the shores of Lake Atitlán, is a hidden gem known for its laid-back atmosphere and spiritual allure. Renowned for its yoga retreats, meditation centers, and holistic practices, it attracts those seeking peace, self-discovery, and connection with nature. The village is also a mosaic of artistic expression, with local and international artists contributing to its vibrant, creative energy. Here, amidst the breathtaking natural beauty, visitors find a perfect blend of spiritual rejuvenation and cultural immersion, making it an ideal retreat for those looking to unwind, reflect, and explore within an enchanting landscape.

The magical place to host our retreat will be Kawoq Forest, a sanctuary of magnificent natural beauty ready to embrace and transform the seekers of solace, silence, restoration, and a sparkle of adventure. Here, you will be immersed in the cultural tapestry woven by the Mayan people who have cherished these lands for generations. This amazing center is located on top of a hill, overlooking the Lake Atitlán and it's surrounding volcanos. The atomosphere at Kawoq encourages the reconnection with the elemental forces of nature and offers a grounding experience in an environment steeped in ancient traditions.


This is how most of our days will look like during the retreat. This schedule will vary depending on the different excursions and other activities we have prepared for you:

8:00 am - morning ritual

8:30 am - yoga practice

*10:00 am - breakfast

*11:30 am - workshop

*1:00 - break (snack included)

*4:00 pm - yoga practice

*5:00 pm - dinner

*6:30 pm - night ritual

During the retreat we'll also have the following special activities, already included.
* Temazcal (sweat lodge)
* Fire and cacao ceremony
* San Juan arts and crafts tour
* Kirtan


Lissie Felissie

An international yoga teacher and training facilitator for 15+ years, Lissie Felissie merges the ancient wisdom of yoga with a modern approach, making it easy for practitioners to integrate and advance in their yoga journey. Her classes flow like unexpected waves; mixing traditional Hatha with creative Mandala and Ecstatic flows, hints of Rocket yoga, and Yin, Lissie's classes are definitely dynamic, unique, and memorable. This is only made better by the chants and sound healing that she gifts her students after a well rounded practice.

Jimena de la Peza

Vinyasa and meditation teacher, intuition and purpose guide, Jimena's energy invites you to connect with your innate power and authenticity through self-observation, recognition, and celebration. Her practices will ignite your inner fire and allow you to explore, grow, and nurture your Self, while holding space to ground and integrate the energy.
A devote seeker of knowledge, she has studied and practiced the work and philosophies of many spiritual leaders like Eckhart Tolle and Joe Dispenza, and is constantly gathering wisdom to embody and translate into daily practices and simple teachings.



$1,700 usd

-10% Early Bird discount (before April 3)

Single bed in shared room
Compost toilet bathroom
Outdoor shower


$1,850 usd

-10% Early Bird discount (before April 3)

Single/ double bed in shared room
Shared terrace 
Compost toilet bathroom
Outdoor shower


1,990 usd

-10% Early Bird discount (before April 3)

bed/ double bed in shared room
Terrace with hammock 
Shared compost toilet bathroom
Outdoor shower


$2,200 usd

-10% Early Bird discount (before April 3) 

Single occupancy room
Terrace with hammock
Shared compost toilet bathroom
Outdoor shower


Secure your spot with a $500 USD deposit and start paying your retreat in April.

Once you issue your payment, please send a screenshot of the deposit to [email protected]


We appreciate your interest in our retreat :)
For any inquiries, please leave us your message and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.